GARANT G-TEC live simple!
Interior doors and frames
CNW-Product Code: 150 08 24 791
Color: live simple! No. 8
interior doors and frames
We manufacture premium-quality door elements (door leaves and frames) in standard designs, as weil as a wide range of high-end functional elements.
Product name | GARANT G-TEC live simple! |
Product category | Interior doors and frames |
Material A | Wood-based materials |
Material B | Fittings and electronics |
Application areas | lnterior door elements for living spaces, apartment entrances and buildings (e.g. hotels, day-care centres, schools etc.) |
CNW-Product Code | 150 08 24 79 1 |
Product details
Haptics | Smooth, matte |
Structure and gloss level | Depending on finish |
Scratch resistance | Martindale: EN 483/2, part 30:5 (method A and B) |
Light transmission | Most non-transparent; with a glass panel if necessary |
Stability | As per requirements |
Dimensions | According to standard (DIN 18101) or custom-sized |
Delivery form | On EURO pallets by !ruck |
Weight per delivery unit | Individual |
Fire-protection category | Classification in accordance with DIN 4102 |
Water compatibility | Suitable for indoor use |
Certification | GARANT doors and frames are PEFC-, FSC- and ifl-certified. The products are also compliant with the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804. In addition, GARANT products have been tested for harmful substances by the eco-lNSTITUT and furnished with an eco-certificate confirming their fulfilment of the strict criteria. The existing certificates document the compliance of GARANT products with all sustainable construction requirements (e.g. DGNB and QNG) GARANT Türen und Zargen GmbH received the "Wood Award" in 2021. |
All specifications are manufacturer's specifications. Liability of the CNW is excluded.