AKD Produkt - Regalsystem Karree
AKD Produkt - Regalsystem Karree
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AKD is a company engaged in creative product development and design. AKD focuses on products with aluminium in combination with other high-quality materials. Always well thought through, sometimes even polarizing, AKD products are a statement for individuality and exclusive taste. Each product is manufactured with care and craftsmanship at our location in OWL or implemented with selected manufacturers in Germany. Special attention is paid to the selection of materials and build quality. The result is authentic products of exceptional quality. Favorite pieces that serve mankind and give long-term pleasure. AKD gets to the point. We distribute the products with selected partners in the trade and to the end customer.


Werkstoff AMDF lackiert
Werkstoff BAluminium
EinsatzgebieteWohnzimmermöbel, Interieur Design
CNW-Produkt Code101 01 19 46 1


Lichtdurchlässigkeit100 %
HaptikEntspricht Lackbeschaffenheit / Metallischer Effekt
Struktur & GlanzgradGeschliffen - Matt
KratzfestigkeitNach Norm
Abmessungen700 x 700 mm / 700 x 1400 mm
LieferformEinzelhandel Abholware / Versand Spedition
Gewicht pro Liefereinheit15,0 kg
BrandschutzklasseStandard B2

All specifications are manufacturer's specifications. Liability of the CNW is excluded.